Enjoy While Grooming

Enjoy While Grooming


How to care for Men's Skin?

In this age of the metro sexual male, emerging fashion and beauty trends have evolved alongside to accommodate his needs and desire to match the fairer sex in terms of presentability, personal grooming and style. Skin care for men has thus come of age and one finds more of Adam’s race competing and comprehending the need for rituals beyond bathing into daily care needs that complement his type and desired look.

Start With Body Basics

While many men have found the answer to their skin care needs by visiting the salon regularly, others find the long term efforts more healthy and beneficial and want to do away with the chance of ever again finding themselves glancing worriedly at their face, hands, shoulder and neck. This intensifying need to look good and feel great is what lays the foundation for body basics in skincare for men and protecting it becomes top priority-in league with daily showering and shampooing.

  • Since men have close to fifteen percent oilier skin than women, it is necessary for them to cleanse, tone and moisturize regularly to rid themselves of dirt; grime and environmental pollutants that can clog the skin and make it appear dull.
  • Sun protection through sensible, breathable clothing,sunglasses and use of an adequate SPF providing sunscreen is a very vital part of skincare for men and helps them look young and fresh. Sunscreen also provides a barrier to the harsh rays of the sun that can damage and cause wrinkles on facial skin and prolonged sun exposure can lead to skin cancer.
  • Men with oily skin need to opt for a soap-free cleanser that will not irritate the skin into further eruptions and gently clean out the surface of the skin. This should be followed by using an alcohol-free toner that will rejuvenate and cool the skin without disturbing the ph balance.
  • Since men have considerably rougher skin due to endless shaving and razor use, exfoliation is a must in their skin care regime, especially in warmer weather when revealing more skin. Skin care for men include products like exfoliating scrubs, sea sponges and loofahs that are very effective for doing away with extra rough skin on the elbows, knees and heels. However, the use of the same is not recommended for the face as scrubs can produce micro tears in the skin that can lead to uneven pigmentation upon sun exposure.
  • An ideal approach to skincare for men would include the use of a cleanser and/or moisturizer with an alpha-hydroxy acid, such as glycolic acid or lactic acid, which also exfoliate to and improve the skin's tone and texture.
  • A simple rule of thumb for most skin types of men would include a routine that follows Cleanse, Shave, Tone with Aftershave and moisturizer. For Oily skin types, the moisturizer can be given a miss. Those with heavy beards are advised to Cleanse, pre-shave, shave, tone, apply after shave and then moisturize and evening routine would be to cleanse and tone.

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