Enjoy While Grooming

Enjoy While Grooming


Tips for Good Easy Skin Care

Skin is a very important and visible part of our body. It's a kind of protective coating on our entire body parts.

As we care and look after our all organs, our skin requires a little more care as it's directly in contact with the outer environment as dirt, dust and sun. Harmful chemicals, which our polluted air contains, and bad water too are a cause in damaging skin before time.

So one has to care about one's skin well and should make a daily routine to pamper one's skin to protect it from early aging and harmful skin disease.

Skin is affected by both the factors external and internal. External are direct contact with harmful UV RAYS, dirt and dust and internal is due to wrong food habits.

Your body is what you eat though it's a lot determined by genes and one can have a bad skin due to hormonal imbalance in a particular age but eating all wrong food as all oily and spicy food can damage your skin. Which cannot be regained by external care only.

For a good easy skin care here are a few tips:

  • First thing should be keeping your skin clean. Rather than using soaps on the face, its better to use mild face wash according to use skin type as oily for oily skin, dry for dry and combination for the combination one. One can use our home remedies for a beautiful, healthy and glowing skin. One can use rose water, lemon juice, and fruit juices to clean and wipe the skin with. It will give a refreshing look to one's skin. If the skin is dry than one can use a pinch of milk cream and a drop of lemon juice on it, mixed and rubbed on the skin and then washed. Which is very good to clean the skin.

  • Then is drinking lots of fluids. To have a good, healthy skin one should drink lots of water which is said to be at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day and some skin and health specialist say that it should be in proportion to your weight as for every 10 kg of weight, one should drink a liter of water so if the weight is 60 then the person should drink 6 liters of water. Which can be substituted with fruit juices too.

  • Always apply sunscreen lotion on the skin. One should never go in the sun without applying a sunscreen lotion, which protects the skin from harmful UV rays. Which are known to give even skin cancer. It damages the skin and makes it tan, give blemishes, burn mask and pigmentation, which can never get healed 100%. So it's better to apply the right sunscreen lotion on the skin to save the skin from early aging.

  • One should avoid all unhealthy food if the skin is already suffering from bad patches or pimples. Even caffine drinks are harmful for the skin. Too much consumption of tea, coffee, saturated drinks damage the skin. Smoking too is a very important factor to harm the skin. It makes the skin dry, makes it look dull and gives puffiness on the face. Drinking alcohol too isn't good for the skin. So if one can't stops consuming all these things completely, one can at least have them in moderation to help the skin stay young and healthy.

  • Where one don't get proper time to care the skin as full time working people, never mind, they can care their skin in a very well way by a little effort from there side. Working people should keep moist tissues in their bags and purses to wipe their face to remove dirt and sweat when they cannot wash their face again and again. Should apply sunscreen when outside home and nice mild moisturizer on the skin while doing anything else. Even in the night before going to bed one should wash the face, keep it clean, remove any make up if had put on the face and then should apply a good moisturizes according to the skin type.

  • One can judge the skin type in the morning. As in the morning without washing the face one should wipe the face with a tissue paper, if there is lots of oil on the nose sides and chin then the skin is t-zone, if there is oil all over the face then the skin is oily, if its somewhere dry and somewhere oily then it's combination skin, and if there is no oil n stickiness on the skin, the skin is dry and you are lucky if the skin is just perfect neither there is oil nor dryness.

  • If the skin is prone to pimples and acne, one should give it a little more care. Should clean the skin more often, should apply medicated soaps and lotions. One should check it up with a skin specialist too as dandruff in the hair and scalp or some hormonal changes too can be a cause of a bad skin. One should never pinch or squeeze the pimples or acne or should not try to remove black head on their own as it will ruin the skin more and will give it permanent scars.

  • One should avoid too much make up on the skin as if you care about your skin and keep it healthy and clean, you would definitely not require make up to make it look good. But if anytime you had applied make up on the skin, you should clean it as soon as you come back home. Let the skin breathe without any make up on it. One can use baby oil, baby lotion or mild cleansing milk on the skin to remove the traces of make up.

  • For oily skin astringent of a good quality is a good option to keep it oil free and a little more moisturizer for dry skin. Once in a week face packs too can be used to make the skin clean and tight. One can make them at home too by gram flour, rose water and honey. And one can use mild scrubber, which are easily available in the market these days to get rid from the dead skin.

So one can get a glowing, healthy skin by giving it a little care and can keep the skin away from black heads, pimples, blemishes and pigmentation.

Homemade Recipes for Oily Skin Care

There are three types of skin people have, dry, normal and oily. Where dry skin requires a little more application of moisturizer on the skin, normal skin requires a normal skin care routine but the oily skin needs the highest maintenance. Skin gets oily due to many factors as hormonal changes or imbalance especially in teen age, then genetic factors or climate conditions.

A teenager's oil glands produce more oil that is called sebum in body than others. It decreases with age when a person grows. Then the skin gets dry due to age, as oil glands don't produce so much oil.

Some people have it because their parents have the oily skin or at times climatic factors as rains, and humidity makes the skin look greasy and oily.

As I mentioned earlier that oily skin needs maximum care, as it's prone to acne, open pores, boils and pimples. There are many medicated soaps, gels and lotions available in market for the oily skin. Some nice established brands have come in the market with their entire cosmetic range for oily skin, as oily skin needs special care.

But using harmful chemicals on the skin is not the permanent solution. All these gels, face wash and creams for oily skin are pretty heavy in price too and everybody cannot afford them.

At home there are whole lots of things we can use in our day-to-day routine to keep our oily skin healthy and glowing without oil. To start with one should drink lots of water to detoxify the body. As pimples and acne come on the skin when the traces of oil are not washed away from the skin surface, they stick to the skin and burst into acne and pimples.

One should wash the face with clean water with mild soap. One can apply a little astringent on face by wiping off oil from the skin with a cotton ball having few drops of astringent on it. Mixing cucumber juice and few drops of lemon juice can make a good homemade astringent. Mixing them together and applying on the skin makes skin refreshing and less oily.

When one gets acne or pimples, one should never squeeze or pinch them as it will spoil the skin and will give it permanent scars. One should never leave oily skin unclean as dust and dirt stick to it so does pollution so as soon as one comes back home from out should wash his hands and skin. So that no outside dust and dirt is left on it.

One with oily skin should avoid all oily and saturated foods, as they will make your skin's appearance worse.

Whenever one squeezes sweet lime or oranges, should apply a little juice on face too. It will absorb the oil and will give the skin a fresh look. Same way one can rub lemon peel on the face and wash it after few minutes. It will remove the grease from the skin.

Tomato juice is good for open pores; it tightens the pores and makes them visibly small in size.

One can make face packs at home for oily skin: by adding some clay powder, lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric and apply it on the face and neck.

By making power of dried lemon or orange peel and mixing little curd in it, can apply it on face and neck. It will even lighten the skin and pimple scars from it.

By scrubbing or applying sandalwood powder with rose water on skin and washing it away when dried.

By adding curd and limejuice to gram flour and applying it on skin till it dry makes skin visibly less oily.

One can even rub fruits like papaya, cucumber and watermelon on skin to remove the grease.

Though oily skin requires more of cleanliness than other skin types, it even requires moisturizer so one should apply light water based moisturizer on the skin on daily basis.

And people with oily skin should keep in mind their skin type when buying any skin product or cosmetics. As when buying a sunscreen, one should remember that it should be particularly for oily skin.

They should avoid out much make up on skin and whatever make up is applied should be removed as soon as one comes back home.

When out one can wipe face with wet face tissues, so that no dirt and grease sticks on the skin for long and makes it look bad.

For oily skin one can opt for lukewarm water to wash it. Many people do think that scrubbers are good for oily skin though they can be real harsh on oily skin and tear the open pores and damage the acne and pimples on face. So if one really wants to use scrubber on oily skin to remove dead skin and black heads, one can make scrubber by dried lemon or orange peels and can rub skin gently with that powder.

As all these are external factors and the real cause of oily skin is internal by oil glands producing more sebum, one should not ignore that factor as one cannot do much about it, one can drink lots of water at least 8-10 glasses a day and should refrain from oily stuff can help a lot.

So by giving a little more care and attention oily skin can become the best looking skin, as it remains younger for long time than the other skin types.

Anti Aging

Anti Aging Skin Care Solutions

Skin starts losing its moister after the age 30. So one has to start taking additional and special care to one's skin after the age 30 as the skin requires more care and it starts getting old. Ages, sun, pollution, carelessness all are the major factors in making the skin lose its charm day by day. Some extra efforts to look after the skin do make lots of difference in skin's appearance.

In your 30s

30 years is a good long period to make skin appearance dull, lifeless and old. The causes are the same lack of care, sun exposure, age and pollution. After the skin 30 skins starts getting wrinkles, uneven tone, pigmentation and discoloration. It starts from the fine lines on the skin, which turn into wrinkles as the age grows. One starts getting puffiness around eyes, dark circles and skin starts looking saggy and dull. Due to hormonal imbalance, many females get acne and breakouts. Open pores and black heads are an increased skin problem in this age.

How to look after the skin from the age 30-skin requires more care after 3 decades of exposure. To the outer environment.

    • One should drink lots of fluids to keep the skin hydrate, as skin doesn't produce that much moister when the age is 30.
    • One should start applying anti-wrinkle cream, which has right ingredients to prevent skin from wrinkles.
    • One should apply moisturizer containing SPF 15 and acids like glycolic and lactic which are helpful in repairing dead cells of the skin.
    • One should apply skin-toning facemasks once in a week.
    • One should get regular facials done to remove dull skin cells and get a toned skin.
    • Skin exercises are helpful too. One can do them by oneself in any time of the day for 5 minutes to get a toned skin.
    • Area around eyes should not be ignored as the skin around eyes is the lightest skin on the face, and that the reason one starts getting wrinkles from there. So once you reach at 30, you should start applying eye cream and eye gels around the eye area.
    • One should follow a skin regime to keep skin healthy and young from cleaning up and moisturizing in the morning to cleaning, toning and moisturizing it in the night before going to bed.
    • Many women get acne and break outs in this age due to hormonal imbalance, so they should keep a check on their hormones and should consult a doctor if the problem is severe.
    • They should use mild scrubber to remove black heads and should apply a good toner to close the open pores.

In your 40's

skin starts losing its tightness at the age 40. All the other problems like wrinkles, discoloration, pigmentation and open pores increase and start taking time in repairing. If skin starts getting proper care from the age 30 then the problems don't persist that much. But still, when the age comes at 40, skin requires more care than 30 because women face major hormonal changes in their body which effects even their skin texture and complexion.

How to look after the skin from the age 40-skin becomes dark, dull and full of freckles when the age comes at 40.

    • As the skin ages one can start using creams which contain some specific lightening contains to help skin become even in color.
    • Skin polishing is done at some established akin care salons, which can be done once in a quarter to get a new skin.
    • Drinking lots of fluids is must as the age increases.
    • Sun protection creams should be a part of daily skin care. Even the foundation should have at least SPF15.
    • Facials should be done regularly.
    • Facial exercises have no harm if one can make it a habit to do at least 5 minutes a day.
    • Skin tightening products and packs can be used to close the open pores and tone the skin.
In your 50's

Skin loses its elasticity when the age comes at 50. One can guess a woman's age by her skin. Skin's repairing system becomes very weak at this age so extra care is required at this age.

How to look after the skin from the age 50-this is the age of menopause in a women where she faces major hormonal and emotional changes in her body. Her stress comes on her face so the tiredness from life after seeing 5 decades. So one needs to do something more in addition to all the care one is giving to the skin when the age is 40.

    • Skin becomes much more dry than ever before because now body doesn't produce that much sebum to keep the skin hydrate so one needs to drink lots of water.
    • Good hydrating moisturizer should be applied all over the body.
    • Sun protection is still the must.
    • Good anti aging and anti wrinkle creams should be a part of daily skin care.
    • Facial massage and exercises are pretty helpful in keeping the fine lines at bay.
If not permanently and completely but a little more care can keep the skin younger than its age.


Types of Creams for Skin Care

Creams are thick liquid solutions to apply on skin. These days they are specifically made for all different parts, as different creams are available for face, neck, body and feet as the requirement of each body part is different. Choosing a cream most importantly depends on the skin type as all skin types needs different and creams specifically made for their particular skin type as if a cream made for dry skin applied on oily skin will spoil the skin and it will break out.

Same way usage of creams depends on the age also. Not all age groups need the same creams. As skin requirement is different with different age groups. A teenage girl doesn't require a firming cream though requires a cream for protection from acne, pimples and outer environment as UV rays but a middle age lady might not require a cream just to moisturize it but she needs a cream to help her skin remain young, which could prevent her skin from early aging, from wrinkles. Here are different creams' types to explain in details what they are meant for.

Firming creams

firming creams are anti aging creams which are made for 40 plus women to help the skin stay firm and supple and away from wrinkles till it can as a woman's skin starts losing its elasticity from the age 30 and then women need special care for their skin because naturally their skin starts aging and the production of sebum slows down. Skin starts becoming lost, starts getting wrinkles and loses its elasticity.

Regular usage of these skin-firming creams helps skin restore its resilience and elasticity, adds the youthful glow and vitality to the skin. These days skin-firming creams are available for the use of the cream on all over the body. They are anti cellulite and claim to tone the skin to make it look young, glowing and supple without wrinkles on it. These creams are available in different forms as firming creams are available for day use, night use and body use.

Firming creams, which are made for facial, are not same as those, which are made for daily usage. They are available in forms of lotions, gels and serums. Some companies make even capsules to be applied on the skin for anti aging. One can choose the best-suited option for oneself out of so many options available.

Night creams

night creams are made for the repair of the skin from the damage which skin suffers from in the daytime. A good night cream is must for everybody as our skin gets damaged in the day from air, pollution, dirt, sun and dust. Night cream repairs the skin to tackle with the daytime damage. Usually they don't contain the sun protection factor, which is not requiring in the night though its must in the day use. Night creams contain collagen, elastin and other moisturizers to restore the energy skin loses in the day. But while choosing a night cream one should keep in mind their age and skin type as specific night creams are made for specific skin types and age.

Eye creams

skin surrounding eye area is the thinnest skin on face after lips. It doesn't have much support as the skin is light and has hardly any support. That's the reason wrinkles appear first around eyes on face when aging. So it requires a special care to protect the skin from early aging, dark circles and wrinkles. Eye creams are not based on skin type or age type. They are meant for all skin types and all age groups. They are mostly oil based as it spreads easily around the eye area. While going out in sun its useful to apply a good under eye gel or cream with sun protection factor to protect the eye area from harmful UV rays. They are extremely helpful in preventing dark circles around eyes.

Hand creams

hand creams contain more moister in them then other creams because hands lose more moister everyday and require it more then other parts of the body as they are constantly in use. They are the most in water, as one needs the wash hand more often for cleanliness and other purposes. Hands creams are made to provide them the moister they lose, they lightens the skin and reduces the dryness and roughness from the skin of the hands.

Hands require more care as they don't have much oil glands and they are the most in water, that's the reason in winters many people's skin from hands gets peeled. When hands are excessive dry the best way to moisturize them is wash hand with a mild soap in the night, wipe them and then apply a good hand cream on them with light massage then wear cotton gloves throughout the night. This way your hands will absorb the cream and will be extremely soft and supple in the morning. This practice can be done once in a week to keep the hands young and beautiful.


Our ancestors have found many precious herbs for us. They are nature's products and are extremely beneficial for health increment, to cure ailments, many diseases and to increase and enhance beauty.

Here are the details about some of these nature's gifts how they help in increasing beauty and help skin care. Because of their no side effects they have become more popular among people than many other medicines and cosmetics for health and beauty purposes.

  1. Aloe Vera-aloe Vera is a cactus type of plant from the family of flower lily. It has vitamin E, C, zinc and many other beneficial substances in it, which are extremely beneficial for health and skin. Aloe Vera has many properties to keep skin at its best. It can be used to soothe the skin from sunburn and heat infections because of its cooling properties. Its rich of vitamin E and C, both of these vitamins work the best for the skin and are main substances in all skin care products.

    Aloe Vera is available in many varieties these days and people can choose and use what is best suited for their skin. It's available in form of gels, lotions, moisturizers, and juices. If juice is consumed it has wonderful results on the skin. On extremely dry and sensitive skin, aloe Vera gel can be used as a heeling agent. It heals wounds and injuries too. Most of the creams and lotions are based on aloe Vera gel these days, which change one's skin drastically from a lifeless dull skin to a new enhanced beautiful skin. Its transparent bluish green color substance. It's getting popular worldwide day to day.

  2. Sandalwood -- sandalwood is the wood of a tree, which has a very strong, and soothing fragrance in it. Sandalwood too has all cooling and heeling substances in it. It is used to manufacture many scented items from the wood as beautiful handicrafts, incense sticks, oils, perfumes, soaps, face packs, powder and many other things. Because of the useful substances in it, it's powder; essence and oil are used to make many herbal items for skin care.

    It makes the skin smooth, blemish free, glowing and young. It is used to heal the burns too because of its cooling essence. Sandalwood soaps and packs are extremely useful for oily and problematic skin. It reduces the marks and blemishes from the skin and reduces body odor if used in soaps. It is advised to be used on skin that is prone to allergies, acne, and pimples and has blemishes. Its frequent application on the skin in form of soaps and packs do wonders to the skin. Specially the skin that is filled of acne and blemishes gets neat and clean with is frequent use.

  3. Tea tree oil-tea tree oil is taken from the leaves of tea tree. It's very strong oil with many exclusive values in it, which is used in medical field too. It has many anti fungal values in it so is used for many types of allergies, infections, many other ailments and is added in many skin care products because some of it's values help prevent acne, blemishes and skin allergies.

    It is added in many face packs specially made for problematic skin, which suffers from acne and pimples.Its usage on skin makes skin clear, smooth and blemish free. Its has a very strong smell in it which keeps many allergies at bay. Many anti allergic oils are based on tea tree oil. Most of the herbal cosmetic company use tea tree oil as a main base in their skin care produces which are specially meant for problematic skin. It suppresses the acne, pimples and blemishes from the skin and helps to lighten the marks too which one gets on skin due to skin problems.

  4. Neem- neem is a very useful tree. It's leaves, stem everything has their own properties and different values. It is used in many herbal medicines to cure skin problems, lice problems in hair. It has a very strong bitter smell and taste. It has surprising properties in it for skin suffering with allergies or skin infections. Neem power and essence if used on skin in any form makes one get rid of boils, heat infection, acne pimples and other skin problems.

    It makes skin blemish free, healthy and glowing. People who tend to get boils and heat boils on skin in summer, if take bath from water in which neem leaves have been soaked or boiled get rid of them completely and gets a smooth and clear skin. Its juice is extremely helpful for diabetic patient. In ancient times, people used to use its stem to chew to keep their teeth healthy and strong. It has some detoxifying agents in it so it's useful for the treatment of skin infections and problems.

Facial Exercises

Exercises are meant to relax the body and increase blood circulation; they tone up the muscles, stretch them to flex and keep the body fit. So the same way facial exercise helps to tone up the facial muscles and help to keep them relaxed.

If done properly for few minutes in a day, facial exercises help people to reduce stiffness and dullness from the face and decrease wrinkles. It increases the elasticity of the skin. Facial exercise's main motive is keeping the skin muscles in it place and maintaining the tissues from early aging. Regular facial exercise can do more wonders than many expensive cosmetics do to the skin.

One can do facial exercise in any time of the day, like other body parts' workout it doesn't have any rules for the stomach to be filled light or empty. One can do them while taking bath, reading newspaper, driving, traveling or watching television.

Here are some facial exercises to help facial skin get toned and young.

  • In the morning after doing toothbrush, fill some air in your mouth and then leave it slowly, do this practice 4-5 times. Its an easy exercise and can be done by anybody. It keeps the cheeks toned and glowing.
  • Close your lips, take your mouth in the left and then in the right. Practice it 3-4 times and you will feel a good stretch on the muscles around your mouth and lips.
  • Pull the eyebrows up a down, hold them up for 10 counts and then slowly get them down. It's a relaxing exercise for the eyebrows.
  • Twitch the nose and fill the air in it, drop it down and then release the air.
  • Breathing should be proper while doing any of the workouts no matter whether it's for whole body or for just the face.
  • Use your fingers upwards from the lower of your eyes to the sides of the forehead; it relives the stress from the facial muscles.
  • Move your eyes in circular motions from left to upward, then right and down, practice it at least five times. It makes you feel extremely relaxed on your eyes and whenever you are tired while reading or working on computers for long hours, you can do it and relaxes your eye muscle.
  • Hold both your lips inside your mouth, inhale and hold the breath for few seconds and release it. Do it 4-5 times and you will relax the lips and muscle around them.
  • Even while doing facial exercise keep the hands clean or the skin might get infection with dirty hands and can break out in acne and pimples.
  • Tap the face slowly and lightly with the fingertips to increase the blood circulation.
  • Chewing gum too is a very good form of exercise. One can even pretend in the mouth as if one is chewing the gum and it stretches the entire facial muscles and helps them to relax.
  • Making a smiling face and then holding it for few second and releasing it are as good exercise for the cheeks.
  • There are some lightweight, battery operated equipments are available in the market to use for facial exercises.
  • On the forehead, put your middle and index fingers on above exactly your eyebrows and put pressure on them. Release it and repeat it for 5-6 times.
  • Stroke your chin in upward motions using both your thumbs. It helps reducing the double chin.
  • Blow off air from mouth as you are filling air in a balloon, it's a helpful exercise in filling the flat cheeks.
  • Overall, doing all these facial exercises even for few minutes in a day relaxes facial muscles, tones up them, reduce fine lines from the face and gives you a smooth, flawless skin.
  • Even the complexion improves because whatever exercise is done; it improves the blood circulation in that part of the body so it helps to rejuvenate the skin to look and feel better.

Facial exercise help in reducing lines from the face that is the sign of old age. It reduces the forehead lines, lines around the lips and crowfeet, which some people get around eyes. It helps lips become thick and fuller. Saggy and loose cheeks become tight and fuller. It reduces the puffiness which one gets around the eyes. Decrease the wrinkles as it tones up the skin. It increases the vitality and elasticity of the skin.

There is hardly any chance to do facial exercise wrong but still if one feels any uneasiness or stress on the face with any of the exercise, one should stop practicing it.

Any skin type or age group can follow these exercises to get rid of wrinkles and other early age signs.

Face Masks at Home

In today's world where we are living and breathing in a polluted environment which is damaged due to harmful chemicals and gases one needs to do a little more care about their health and looks. Face is the mirror of a person's looks and one gives more attention in taking care of the face.

There are so many creams, lotions, scrubbers are available in market today to make your facial skin more radian and beautiful. Where some are chemical based, toady's favourite are herbal cosmetics which are based on natural items as fruits, vegetables, grains etc.

These days face packs, peels, scrubbers, soaps, face wash everything is getting made by natural and herbal things. So even we can make a variety of face masks with the things available in our kitchen at home which can save lots of money and can make skin beautiful without any side effects.

Here are few home made masks which can be applied easily on face and neck to remove the dull skin and make it fresh and beautiful. Some mask can be applied everyday and some can be applied only once a week.

Gram Flour mask-take two spoon of gram flour, add a pinch of turmeric to it, few drops of lemon juice and mix them together with water or rose water. Apply it on face and neck till it get 3/4 th dry and then scrub and wash it. Apply moisturizer on face afterthat.

Clay pack-this pack is very good for oily skin. Take mud clay powder its easily available in the market, add water or rose water in . make a paste, apply it on the face and wash it when it gets dry.

Sandalwood power pack-its very useful for oily skin or the skin which has blemishes or pimple marks on face. Take a spoon of sandalwood powder, add rose water to it, make a paste and apply it on face and neck. Wash it when dry. It will give the skin a neat and radiant look.

Milk Powder pack-this pack is useful for those who have dry skin. Taek a spoonful of milk powder and add a few drops of lemon juice to it. Make a paste and apply on face. Wash away after 20 minutes.

Most of the home made face masks are gram flour or clay based. Where we can add any other things to them to give the skin a look as if facial has been done.

  • Take a spoon of gram flour, add a pinch of turmeric powder to it and a few drops of milk or milk cream and make the paste with orange juice. Apply it on face and leave it till it gets dry.

  • Take a spoon of wheat flour, add a pinch of turmeric, few drops of lemon juice to it and make the paste with raw milk. Apply it on face and remove it when half dried as a scrubber. It removes all dirt from face and gives it a luminous look. This pack can be applied all over the body too to remove the dead skin from it.

  • Take a spoon of honey and add few drops of lemon to it apply on face and wash after few minutes. It helps to remove sun tan.

  • Mash a papaya and apply on face. Wash after few minutes.

  • Mash a banana and apply on face and neck. Wash it off after 15 minutes.

  • Take tomato juice and add a pich of turmeric and clay powder to it. Make a paste and apply on face and neck. This pack helps in reducing the size of open pores.

  • Soak some rice grain in water overnight. Then grind them and make a paste. Add little milk in it and apply this pack on face. Scrub it gently when dry. It removes dead skin and black heads from the skin.

  • Dry orange peels in sun and make a powder or them. You can fill and keep this powder in a container for future use. Take a spoonful of this powder, add raw milk to it. Apply it on face and neck. It cleans the skin and whitens the complexion.

  • Same way rather then taking orange peels, you can take lemon peels and make powder of it when dry. Add the same things and make a paste to pply on face and neck.

  • Cucumber is a very good astringent. Cucumber juice and slices can be applied on face and neck.

  • Water melon paste can be applied on sun burnt skin to soothe and cool it.

  • Take tomato juice, orange juice and cucumber juice add a little clay powder or sandalwood powder or gram flour to these juices and apply it on face.

So try these home made face packs and surprise everybody by your looks.

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