Enjoy While Grooming

Enjoy While Grooming


Face Masks at Home

In today's world where we are living and breathing in a polluted environment which is damaged due to harmful chemicals and gases one needs to do a little more care about their health and looks. Face is the mirror of a person's looks and one gives more attention in taking care of the face.

There are so many creams, lotions, scrubbers are available in market today to make your facial skin more radian and beautiful. Where some are chemical based, toady's favourite are herbal cosmetics which are based on natural items as fruits, vegetables, grains etc.

These days face packs, peels, scrubbers, soaps, face wash everything is getting made by natural and herbal things. So even we can make a variety of face masks with the things available in our kitchen at home which can save lots of money and can make skin beautiful without any side effects.

Here are few home made masks which can be applied easily on face and neck to remove the dull skin and make it fresh and beautiful. Some mask can be applied everyday and some can be applied only once a week.

Gram Flour mask-take two spoon of gram flour, add a pinch of turmeric to it, few drops of lemon juice and mix them together with water or rose water. Apply it on face and neck till it get 3/4 th dry and then scrub and wash it. Apply moisturizer on face afterthat.

Clay pack-this pack is very good for oily skin. Take mud clay powder its easily available in the market, add water or rose water in . make a paste, apply it on the face and wash it when it gets dry.

Sandalwood power pack-its very useful for oily skin or the skin which has blemishes or pimple marks on face. Take a spoon of sandalwood powder, add rose water to it, make a paste and apply it on face and neck. Wash it when dry. It will give the skin a neat and radiant look.

Milk Powder pack-this pack is useful for those who have dry skin. Taek a spoonful of milk powder and add a few drops of lemon juice to it. Make a paste and apply on face. Wash away after 20 minutes.

Most of the home made face masks are gram flour or clay based. Where we can add any other things to them to give the skin a look as if facial has been done.

  • Take a spoon of gram flour, add a pinch of turmeric powder to it and a few drops of milk or milk cream and make the paste with orange juice. Apply it on face and leave it till it gets dry.

  • Take a spoon of wheat flour, add a pinch of turmeric, few drops of lemon juice to it and make the paste with raw milk. Apply it on face and remove it when half dried as a scrubber. It removes all dirt from face and gives it a luminous look. This pack can be applied all over the body too to remove the dead skin from it.

  • Take a spoon of honey and add few drops of lemon to it apply on face and wash after few minutes. It helps to remove sun tan.

  • Mash a papaya and apply on face. Wash after few minutes.

  • Mash a banana and apply on face and neck. Wash it off after 15 minutes.

  • Take tomato juice and add a pich of turmeric and clay powder to it. Make a paste and apply on face and neck. This pack helps in reducing the size of open pores.

  • Soak some rice grain in water overnight. Then grind them and make a paste. Add little milk in it and apply this pack on face. Scrub it gently when dry. It removes dead skin and black heads from the skin.

  • Dry orange peels in sun and make a powder or them. You can fill and keep this powder in a container for future use. Take a spoonful of this powder, add raw milk to it. Apply it on face and neck. It cleans the skin and whitens the complexion.

  • Same way rather then taking orange peels, you can take lemon peels and make powder of it when dry. Add the same things and make a paste to pply on face and neck.

  • Cucumber is a very good astringent. Cucumber juice and slices can be applied on face and neck.

  • Water melon paste can be applied on sun burnt skin to soothe and cool it.

  • Take tomato juice, orange juice and cucumber juice add a little clay powder or sandalwood powder or gram flour to these juices and apply it on face.

So try these home made face packs and surprise everybody by your looks.

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