Massage is helpful in relieve muscle and increasing blood circulation in all body parts so the same way its beneficial for the facial skin. But facial skin is a sensitive one so require an expert hand for its massage. One has to learn the right way to take or give facial massage to keep facial skin toned, relaxed and young.
Whenever a woman takes facial, she takes facial massage to start facial with. Even 5 minutes light face massage improves blood circulation of the skin and adds glow to it. Facial massage should always be done by light upwards finger strokes. These days some massage instruments are available in the market which are battery operated, they can give massage to the face with the vibration. One can read the direction written with the machine and can use to once a week or once a month depending upon the age and requirement.
What to do while massaging the face-- there are certain things which one has to keep in mind while massaging the face.
- Always use fingertips for facial massage.
- Keep your hands clean otherwise you will do more harm than benefit to the skin.
- Use cream or lotion depending on your skin type. If oil based cream or lotion is used on oily skin for massage, the skin will break out in acne and pimples.
- One can mix little amount of mild scrubber in the cream to be used for the massage, it helps removing black heads and white heads from the skin.
- Before starting face massage one should tie and cover head with a towel or headband to avoid the facial cream to enter the hair and make them sticky.
- Fingers strokes should always be in upward motion as downward strokes can make the skin look saggier.
- Massage tones up the skin so women who are in middle age can use anti aging creams for their facial massage.
- Depending on the skin type one can do massage from 5 to 20 minutes. More than this, it can get the skin read and patchy.
- Cream should be removed neatly with a wet napkin or cotton dab after the massage so that skin couldn't soak unnecessary grease.
- One should learn the pressure poiints so that one can use them while giving or taking massage to relieve the skin from stress. There are pressure points on face to tone up the facial skin. Two pressure points are there on both the sides of the forehead, both sides on the nose, on the chin, and around the eyes. If one learn to do it correct, one can reduce the wrinkles from the face.
- Facial tissues are sensitive so while massaging the face, not much pressure should be put on the skin.
- One can add the right essence to the skin when giving or taking facial massage as if one has oily skin, one should choose cream that is lemon, orange or cucumber based and to improve the effect of the massage, few drops of lemon juice, orange juice or cucumber juice can be added to the cream. Natural substances have their own effect on the skin and if used correctly, they often don't have any side effects.
- On dry skin, few drops of almond oil, milk cream or olive oil can be used to make the massage more effective.
- A light massage can be done without using any cream from the market by taking a spoonful of fresh milk cream and few drops of lemon juice added to it. It can be used as an anti tanning massage cream too. Its natural so is safe for young and sensitive skin.
- If the skin is extremely sensitive than one should avoid using lemon juice on the skin. One can rather use cucumber juice added to the fresh milk cream to give or take massage.
- Fingers should not be rubbed on the skin; the strokes should be constant but smooth and slow. In between pressure should be put on the pressure points to relax the skin.
- One can keep slices and chilled cucumber slices or cotton balls soaked on rose water on eyelids to relax them and to stop cream to enter the eyes.
- If done properly, massage tones up the pores and tightens up the facial tissues. After the massage skin feels fresh and young. If one starts taking facial massage from the right age, one can prevent getting wrinkles and saggy skin on face for the time being and can look younger than the actual age.
These days plenty of variety is available in the market for the best massage option as herbal massage, spa, aromatherapy, oil massage, natural massage, gold and silver massage. One can choose the best suited one for oneself. Many oil as lavender oil and some other aromatherapy oils heels the skin if used in massage creams or lotions.
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